Learn from the Best Siemens Software Power Users in Free 30 Minute CES Sessions

Customer Enablement Series (CES)

This bi-monthly, web-based learning program is designed to help engineers, designers, and Siemens Digital Industries Software users get the most out of their CAD, CAM, CAE, PLM software.

Join our application engineers, Siemens software experts, and power users online during the first and third Thursdays of each month to learn about new and existing features. There is no cost to attend. In about 30 minutes, experts will share tips, techniques, and knowledge that will help sharpen your skills.

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Using Splines in NX: The Math, Vocabulary, and Applications

May 2nd, 11:00 AM Pacific Time

Splines, in the context of NX software, represent smooth and continuous curves formed through mathematical algorithms. These curves serve as pivotal elements in design and engineering, offering a flexible means to create intricate shapes and surfaces with utmost precision.

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